Carnival Humorous and Its Reflection in Bahram Sadeggi Stories

Document Type : Research Paper



Carnival is one of polyphonic word basis in Mikhail Bhaktin’s theory of dialogue logic. Since “the carnival” is emerged from the mass celebrates in the Middle Ages, this element in language, is demonstrated with components, as humor, mockery and joking, rejecting the values of society, mixture of life and death, according to flesh and physical delight, social criticism, and in general, anything leads to the discourse of mass with informal and dominant. Bhaktin’s theory posed at the odds with polyphony, anti-happiness and the dogmatism of Stalin regime. The point emphasized in this study is the specific application of conversational logic theory, specially “carnival” in most dark and repressive eras of history. For this purpose, Bahram Sadeghi as one of most significant Persian contemporary comedians, who in the black period after the coup of 28 august failures wrote his most significant works with a nature of hummer was considered. This research seeks to answer to this question that the hummer existing in Sadeghi’s stories to what extent is compatible with Carnival speaking components and what was the basis of attitude to such method? Research achievements are suggests that the existing hummer in Sadeghi’s stories is consistent with: revisiting death and the mixture of death and life, denying resurrection thoughts and attention physical dimensions of human life, rejecting values of society, social criticism and etc.. Hence a multi-sound and dialogue-oriented atmosphere is prevailed on it that is at the odds with the repressive and black period after the coup.
Carnival is one of polyphonic word basis in Mikhail Bhaktin’s theory of dialogue logic. Since “the carnival” is emerged from the mass celebrates in the Middle Ages, this element in language, is demonstrated with components, as humor, mockery and joking, rejecting the values of society, mixture of life and death, according to flesh and physical delight, social criticism, and in general, anything leads to the discourse of mass with informal and dominant. Bhaktin’s theory posed at the odds with polyphony, anti-happiness and the dogmatism of Stalin regime. The point emphasized in this study is the specific application of conversational logic theory, specially “carnival” in most dark and repressive eras of history. For this purpose, Bahram Sadeghi as one of most significant Persian contemporary comedians, who in the black period after the coup of 28 august failures wrote his most significant works with a nature of hummer was considered. This research seeks to answer to this question that the hummer existing in Sadeghi’s stories to what extent is compatible with Carnival speaking components and what was the basis of attitude to such method? Research achievements are suggests that the existing hummer in Sadeghi’s stories is consistent with: revisiting death and the mixture of death and life, denying resurrection thoughts and attention physical dimensions of human life, rejecting values of society, social criticism and etc.. Hence a multi-sound and dialogue-oriented atmosphere is prevailed on it that is at the odds with the repressive and black period after the coup.
Keywords: Bahram Sadeghi, Mikhail Bakhtin, dialog logic, carnival, hummer, polyphony.


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