A sociological critique of the womens capitals in the story ofTahmineh by Muhammad Muhammad Ali based on " varieties of capitals " idea by Pierre Bourdieu

Document Type : Research Paper



A sociological critique of the womens capitals in the story ofTahmineh by Muhammad Muhammad Ali based on " varieties of capitals " idea by Pierre Bourdieu

The present article is a sociological critique on current novels based on " varieties of capitals " idea by Pierre Bourdieu. Bourdieu believes” economic capital thory” by Marks focusing on economy, reduse of issues to commercial one. whil its impossible to explain the stractuer and function of social word without considering all aspects of capital.The researcher represents the position of women in "the story of Tahmineh" by Muhammad Muhammad Ali on the basis of this idea and by analyzing " varieties of capitals " as: economic, social, cultural and symbolic as well as the power that women gain in this way .By using content analysis quality and narration, we will see from which capitals women have taken advantages of, what strategies used to produce and maintain them and how they benefit them after being changed and reproduced .And finally under what condition they face "structural gaps" and "social traps"in order to both meet goals and be in power.
In “The Story Of Tahmine” although the mood seems to be monopolarized, a little attention shows the opposite manly pole. So social common sense of the story is often pure feminine &masculine sometimes. There is an obvious & hidden challenge between these two sources of power in womanly social fields. Circular sequence of change & exchange in their properties limited to their womanly common sense i.e. woman competing in this social market based on only one dimension of their properties: a tailor whose all properties -sewing- her incarnated & objective art change & exchange , she is a self-employer running her own life & social existence ,then receives a symbolic property.
Mrs.Afkhami whose family’s nobility belongs to superior classes ,it leads to protect & reproduce her different kinds of properties, nevertheless the harms to her originate in these woman social fields.
This social movement is not seen in women’s life except Tahnine whose production & reproduction of her properties in womanly field is due to arts such as sewing & Sermeduzy, a kind of sewing.
Her opportunity in attending art fields exclusively occupied by men as cinema, writing, critics, just after her migration to Tehran discriminates her from other women in the story.
The relationship between the other women in this story& symbolic arts based on cultural consumption restricted to the framework of their discrimination and personifying , so they no role in the production market.
Is short, we see mothers with paternal power in womanly fields, though; this is true till men’s absences. Their violence & domination occurs in this level so they were classified into upper & lower hand. In this social womanly fields, they don’t receive a worldwide property, but where men appear in this challenging mood, they were introduced by confirmed, wide & huge properties, Men occupying positions as workers, poets, and businessmen that women in this story even Tahmine with all her effort & ambition never reach.
In this way, in “The Story Of Tahmine” , we see men’s seniority in reproduction ,but woman’s inferiority in production, reproduction ,protection & exchange in different kinds of properties.

Key words: literature sociology, "capitals variety" idea by Pierre Bourdieu, womens, Muhammad Muhammad Ali, the story of Tahmineh


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