The representation of life style in the 80ʹs cinema



Iranian cinema has shown various and different pictures of Iranian society in different periods and from appearance time up to now. Iranian society has been changed indifferent features such as social, cultural and economic as well as all changing society in recent decades. One of the social variants is the concept of the life style to understand Iranian contemporary changes.
We Community in recent years with the development and growth of consumerism and mass production of goods and thanks to the media, communications and advertising wave of consumerism in various forms has been a new phenomenon.
Expansion of consumption and consumerism in recent years and given it less attention to the discussion of the production of identity and social distinctions the essential characteristic of consumer society to advance our lifestyle as well.
We tried to consider the Representaed life style in 80’s cinema in this article by using Representation theory in art sociology in the first onset and then by performing Bourdieu’s explanation pattern in life style.
Bourdieu utilized his data to construct a model of stratified lifestyles based on differing cultural tastes-legitimate, middle-brow, and popular. He describes taste as the capacity to materially or symbolically appropriate a given class of objects and practices as a set of distinctive preferences (1984, p. 173)
While the habitus produces lifestyles, lifestyles themselves are viewed by Bourdieu as a system of classified and classifying practices involving differing tastes. These practices consist of particular forms of dress, food, music, art, sport, leisure activities, and so on-all of which express class, gender, and ethnic distinctions. While lifestyles, including health lifestyles, can spread across class boundaries (Cockerham et al. 1988), they typically originate in or are distinctive to a particular status group.
According to Hall, Representation theories fall into three general categories. 1- Theories of reflection 2- The Intentional theories 3-theories constructed . We focused our research on the representation of the third aspect of the theory is construction. A third approach is consistent with the general features of language and social Hal knows. . Based on this approach, things have no sense of self we create meaning through a system of representation and action concepts and symbols do.
The construction does not negate the existence of the material world. But that is not what the material world carries the meaning of Langue, or system that we use to express their ideas Enhancing transport mean and this activists have their own culture and the conceptual system of linguistic and other representational systems are used to construct meaning Significant global And in association with others to build.
Method: In order to achieve aforesaid goal, after taking samples from the produced films in 80’s by using content analysis method and also after defining subjects and indexes, a reversed questionnaire was prepared and the data was gathered through watching considered films. To consider the films the same sequence, which was equivalent to the scene in narrative films, was analyzed.
Results: The results show that cultural usage among life style features, allocates the most rate of Representation in80 ’s cinema for itself. Hereafter, the other features are: perceptions, leisure times, body management, morality worth priority, costing habits and food usage manner. Finally, we have compared our findings with previous research findings.
