Historical Observations on the Sociological Relationship between Institutions of Religion and Arts (Focusing on Iran)



This paper tries to show religion and art as fields of idea exchange. By stating the relationship of them to social space and power based on the theoretical principles of Pierre Bourdieu, we show the possibility of structural changes in these fields during a historical genesis. Art and religion have traditionally been mixed and it was impossible to separate them until the modern era. Because of this, religion and art were understandable by this mixture. But modernity separated social fields such as art and religion and the rise of modern art lead to the independence of these fields. Because of secularization, art lost its religious aspect but find a new one: emancipation.
This paper tries to show religion and art as fields of idea exchange. By stating the relationship of them to social space and power based on the theoretical principles of Pierre Bourdieu, we show the possibility of structural changes in these fields during a historical genesis
